West Panorama Ridge (WPR) Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Plan (NEPP)
Your West Panorama Ridge Ratepayers Association (WPRRA) is leading our community through the process to develop a neighbourhood emergency preparedness plan and establish an Emergency Response Center. If an emergency event occurs, we will be in this together. We need your help to make sure the plan is comprehensive and that the community is prepared.
What a NEPP is
The WPR Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Plan identifies risks in our community, defines an action plan to manage these risks if they occur and identifies resources, including community members, who will be involved in supporting our community during an emergency.
Why We Need a NEPP
If an emergency occurs, the City of Surrey will immediately begin working to minimize the effects on our community and to restore services. Through the Surrey Emergency Program, there is a plan in place to address emergencies of all types and sizes. It is equally important that communities have their own plan in place as residents may need to rely on themselves for the first 72 hours and beyond as the City and emergency responders deal with serious issues elsewhere in the community. To this end, the WPRRA has been working hard on everyone’s behalf.
What WPRRA has done | What you can do |
Conducted an Awareness Campaign:
| Add your information to the WPR NEPP Emergency Household Information Survey |
Providing Neighbourhood Support:
Establishing WPR Community Emergency Support:
| Get involved! (see below for how you can contribute) For more information or to contribute in any way, please contact: executive@panoramaridge.org |
How You Can Contribute
Everyone in our community has something to offer. Whether it is supporting your family and immediate neighbors or by joining the WPR NEPP team, you are important to the safety and recovery of our community in the event of an emergency.
Below are the different areas where you can contribute your skills during an emergency. Please consider helping in any way you can – big or small. It takes many hands.

Be Prepared – Click here for details about how to order your discounted emergency supplies.