The hottest tool in the fight against crime
Block Watch is a program to help neighbours watch out for neighbours. It aims to get citizens involved in discouraging and preventing crime at the local level. The ultimate success of Block Watch depends largely on a commitment to cooperate between area residents and the police – and more importantly, between residents themselves creating a safer community, one block at a time.
At least four Block Watch programs are active in Panorama Ridge.
Thank-you to these residents for organizing and running these local crime prevention programs. If you have an active Block Watch program, we would be happy to add it to the above list.
Get involved:
To get involved in an existing Block Watch or if you have any safety concerns in your area contact:
Surrey RCMP – District 3 (Newton Detachment)
7235 137th Street
Surrey, BC V3W 1A4
Direct Line: 604-502-6560
Visit the Surrey RCMP Block Watch webpage
Related Documents (PDF downloads):
When should I call the police
How to protect your property
How to prevent theft from automobile