Ridge Days – Fall Fun Had by All!
Ridge Days 2022 turned out to be a great success thanks to all of you who came out to meet your neighbours and take part in the fun. There were close to 60 participants! The weather was wonderful, the food was delicious and the conversations and laughter, just what was needed to remind us of why we choose to live in this amazing neighbourhood.

Thanks to our wonderful chefs, our henna artist, the Panorama Ridge Riding club for the pony rides, Pauline Maloney and Joan Mayhew for greeting our guests and making sure they took a guess at the Halloween jelly bean count. And a BIG HUGE THANK YOU to Tammy and Joe Ritchie for providing a beautiful place for us to gather when our previous venue fell through.

Congratulations also go to Ken McElhoe, the winner of the emergency kit for two from “72 Hours“. A great start to preparing his household for an unforeseen disaster.