The Natural Environment
- Colebrook dumping – We have worked with the City over many years to reduce illegal dumpling along Colebrook and reduce the cost to the taxpayer of cleaning up. Four cameras have been installed; enthusiastic residents have reported, cleaned up and beautified curbs for two decades. Garbage is picked up on a regular basis and we have combed through the garbage to try to identify who the perpetrators are.
- We worked with the Dept of Fisheries and the City of Surrey on salmon enhancement initiative for Eugene Creek.
- Bob Campbell, long-time Ridge resident and past President of the WPRRA, worked diligently to get a commitment from the City for funding for an off-leash dog park in Joe Brown Park. In the spring of 2022, this finally became a reality. Many residents are now enjoying meeting more neighbours with dogs and the park has even more to offer the community.
- We worked with the city to enhance and maintain the “Triangle Park”, a small piece of land on the east end of the Ridge, near 137 St., along 56 Ave. This vacant land can provide a welcoming neighbourhood gathering place for residents. The City is now mowing this property regularly and have installed several young trees. The WPRRA Board is continuing to work with the City on this initiative. If you live in this area of the Ridge and would like to get involved, contact the WPRRA Board
- We helped facilitate the creation of Colebrook park.
- The size of Joe Brown park was doubled by having this land legally declared as parkland.
- We coordinated restoration projects, including tree planting, to return park land to its natural state.
- We assisted in enhancing existing trails and the development of new trails. We have successfully saved trees in parks, along boulevards, and through BC Hydro pruning programs. i.e. Panorama Giant
- We worked with the City on a beautification project for Delta View Park under a beautification grant request submitted by the WPRRA.

The Panorama Giant, located on 55A Ave., is one of the trees on the Ridge that was successfully saved due to efforts by your WPRRA. It has a plaque on its base indicating its protected status.